Consumer education important, says GCA president

…as the organisation makes a comeback

Eileen Cox, founder and former president of GCA
Eileen Cox, founder and former president of GCA

Guyana Consumers Association President Pat Dyal said the organisation will be moving soon to re-introduce its weekly columns in one of the four daily newspapers.

This column, which focuses on consumer concerns, was published in the Sunday Stabroek for almost 30 years and was managed by the now retired consumer advocate Eileen Cox, founder and former president of the association. According to Dyal, the association is looking to have a variety of persons write these weekly columns, which could also come from the officials of the organisation.

Consumer education, he said, is very important and is one of the main objectives of the association. The column focuses on consumer education.

Dyal told Guyana Times International that while little has been publicised about the organisation of late, its work has never stopped. He explained that the association has been doing a lot of work to make representation for consumers countrywide.

He said the association was also looking to do more broadcasts on the radio and television. Dyal noted that the association continued to actively engage with state and other agencies to raise consumer concerns in an effort to have them addressed.

Consumer advocate

The association shares a very close relationship with the Competition and Consumer Affairs Commission (CCAC). Dyal said this was especially so, since the association can only make representation for consumers, but the CCAC is the legal body that can take action against errant businesses.

Many cases which are usually reported to the association are taken to the CCAC, which usually deals with the matters in their entirety, which could lead to legal action.

Meanwhile, as the association advocates for the rights and well-being of consumers, Dyal said it remained supportive of the restoration of the annual subsidy to the Guyana Power and Light Inc (GPL). The association has raised this issue on many occasions, noting that the cost of electricity is too expensive. Dyal said once the power company is allowed the opportunity to upgrade its facilities, costs would be reduced and systems would become more efficient.

The GCA was formed 70 years ago and is a member of Consumers International.

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